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Westfield, NJ 07090
(908) 654-7200

A Dentist Discusses the Dangers of Grinding Your Teeth In Westfield

March 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 10:16 am
Woman grinding her teeth while sleeping

If you suspect that you clench or grind your teeth at night, you’re not alone. In fact, around 1/3 of the population grind their teeth! Unfortunately, since it occurs when you’re sleeping, it’s not a habit you can stop with willpower alone. But you can minimize the risks to your oral health and protect your teeth from potential damage. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of grinding your teeth in Westfield and how a dentist can help you avoid them!  


Causes of Alzheimer’s in Westfield: Is Gum Disease the Link?

February 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dr_weinman @ 6:15 pm

Alzheimer’s diseaseApproximately 5.7 million people in the United States suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, a devastating condition that results in progressive mental deterioration. Over the years, there have been several theories about the causes of Alzheimer’s in Westfield, such as lifestyle and environmental factors. New research sheds light onto another potential cause of the condition. Recently, researchers found a direct link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease.


The Link Between Energy Drinks and Oral Health Problems

January 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 8:10 pm
young man with sports drink

When you hit an afternoon slump, you may be tempted to run to the vending machine in your office and purchase an energy drink. Or, if you’re an athlete, you might turn to sports drinks to stay hydrated while you’re powering through your daily practice session. While such beverages might make you feel more alert and powerful, consuming them really isn’t wise. In fact, energy drinks and oral health in Westfield are inextricably linked — and not in a good way.


Want a New Smile? A Guide To Finding a Cosmetic Dentist In Westfield!

December 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 6:57 pm

If you’ve recently made the decision to improve your smile, you’ve taken the first step towards greater self-confidence. And since cosmetic dentistry is an investment that will pay off for many years, you don’t want to trust your smile to just anyone! It’s worth it to do a little research beforehand so you get a highly-skilled dentist who works with you every step of the way to deliver the results you want. With that said, where should you start when you’re looking for a cosmetic dentist in Westfield? Keep reading to find out – and get one step closer to having a smile you can be proud of!


Dentist in Westfield Always Works to Protect Natural Teeth!

September 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 10:46 pm

A woman smiling outside.When it comes to natural teeth, dentists don’t want to remove them or break them down if it’s not necessary. Extractions are truly the last resort when trying to protect your oral health. Furthermore, keeping your natural teeth is better for your smile in the long-term, more cost-effective and allows you to eat all the foods you want without worry.

To learn why keeping natural teeth matters in more detail, keep reading this post from a dentist in Westfield.


Mouse Teeth, Tissue Regeneration, and You

September 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 3:10 pm

adorable mouseIf you’ve watched the news at any point in the last decade and a half, then it’s likely that you have heard of stem cells. Stem cells, in short, are a special type of cell that can turn into any other kind of cell, and they have been researched heavily within the field of medicine. Hypothetically, they could easily help a burn victim regrow skin or heal torn ligaments in an athlete’s knee. However, there are still a lot of things scientists don’t completely understand about stem cells, such as how they “know” which cells to turn into. The University of California- San Francisco sought to answer this question using an unlikely source…mouse teeth. (more…)

The Dentist Near Me Recommends These Oral Care Products

June 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 5:31 pm

The dentist near me cares for my oral health. Something people like to ask when they search for a “dentist near me” is about what they can do at home to take better care of their teeth and gums. A big part of it is making sure you have the right tools — after all, it’s hard to paint a masterpiece without a clean brush and fresh paints. To enjoy better oral health for a lifetime to come, take heed from Dr. Weinman and invest in these 4 oral care products this month. We know you’ll be glad you did.


Dentist in Westfield On Effects of 2 Common Teeth Defects

May 29, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 3:26 pm

Dentist in Westfield treats hypomineralization.There are a number of things that can affect the way a child’s tooth enamel develops. If your little one’s smile is affected by enamel hypoplasia or hypomineralization, there are a few things you need to know to protect your favorite little teeth. Dr. David M. Weinman, your dentist in Westfield, is here to help! Keep reading to learn more about each condition, then schedule an appointment with your child’s dentist today.


Family Dentist in Westfield on Tooth Loss, Stroke Link

April 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 4:53 am

The family dentist in Westfield recommends preventive care. No one wants to deal with the visible effects of missing teeth — but did you know that tooth loss can also increase your risk of stroke? Many patients are surprised to find out that losing one or more teeth has drastic implications for their overall health. Research has shown that people with several missing teeth are more likely to have an ischemic stroke than those with 25 or more teeth (adults typically have 28 to 32 teeth). Your family dentist in Westfield knows the link between your oral and overall health is strong, and that’s why we recommend regular preventive care! Keep reading to learn more, then contact us to schedule an appointment today.


Dentist in Westfield: 5 Steps To Strengthen Tooth Enamel

January 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_weinman @ 11:24 am

dentist in westfield recommends these foodsEven though your sparkling white teeth may look healthy, that doesn’t mean they necessarily are. Weak enamel is sometimes difficult to spot, but it can really take a bite out of your oral and overall health. Enamel can become weak or worn due to a variety of factors, including aggressive toothbrushing and frequent exposure to highly acidic foods and beverages. Tooth sensitivity is one symptom of enamel erosion —  keep reading to learn more about how to strengthen your tooth enamel by making just a few small changes.


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