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522 E Broad St
Westfield, NJ 07090
(908) 654-7200

Relieve Pain and Give Your Teeth a Rest with TMJ Treatment in Westfield, NJ

August 13, 2013

Do you suffer from persistent pain in the face, neck, or head? Do you find it taxing to open and close your mouth because of an excessively stiff jaw? Is there constant pressure in your ears or headaches awaiting you when you wake up most mornings? While you may think that dentists only concern themselves with matters of the teeth and gums, the truth is that some can also assist in issues that negatively affect the jaw as well. This includes TMJ disorder, which you may be suffering from if the questions above describe your current condition. If this is the case, please visit the dental practice of Dr. David Weinman in Westfield, NJ! Our team can help pinpoint the cause of your TMJ disorder and recommend the best solution to alleviate your pain.

What exactly is TMJ disorder?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joints, which have the crucial responsibility of keeping your lower jaw connected to your skull, as well as containing several blood vessels and nerves. Of course, this means that whenever they’re even slightly affected by outside circumstances, it can cause frustrating and even debilitating symptoms. Common causes of TMJ disorder include:

  • Jaw injury
  • Excessive gum chewing or nail biting
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Stress

How can you help me?

First, our dedicated team will treat you to a full medical and dental evaluation so that we can confirm for sure whether you’re suffering from TMJ disorder. We even use state-of-the-art tools to ensure that we collect the most detailed information possible.

If our diagnosis turns out to be positive, Dr. Weinman can provide a custom-made nightguard or other therapies to help relieve your symptoms. We’ll be sure to find the solution that best fits your unique needs!

Don’t suffer in silence a day longer –we’re committed to providing patients of all ages with thorough, comfortable care that is sure to leave you smiling. Contact our Westfield office today to schedule an appointment.

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