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522 E Broad St
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Dental Implant Post-Op Diet Tips from Dr. David M. Weinman

May 20, 2014

shutterstock_100520008Dental implants have rapidly become the vastly preferred restorative dentistry solution to missing teeth, offering unparalleled structural stability and a naturally attractive appearance. At the Westfield, NJ dental practice of Dr. David M. Weinman, we believe that every one of our patients deserves to enjoy the full benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile; this is why we offer comprehensive implant dentistry services, as well as valuable post-op diet information to help ensure successful treatment and happier patients.

Vital Dietary Information for Dental Implant Patients

While we understand that food may be the furthest thing from your mind following any kind of oral surgery, it is important to understand the relationship between post-op diet and successful healing. Your body is only as strong as the nutrients you give it to thrive, and the period following dental implant surgery is a critical time of healing. It is, therefore, critical that you consume the right kinds of foods while your dental implant is fusing with your jawbone, all without disrupting the recovery process. Nutritional recommendations for dental implant patients include the following:

  • For the first week of your recovery process, a diet of mostly soft foods is advised. Any food that causes you discomfort should be avoided.
  • Your body needs protein to heal, but meats can be difficult to chew at first. Choose high-protein alternatives like eggs, beans, tofu, milk, yogurt, and soft seafood instead.
  • Hydration is key during the healing process, so increase your water intake to bolster your immune system and to facilitate a faster recovery. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these are the most common offenders when it comes to dehydration.
  • Find much-needed vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables of the softer variety, including bananas, peaches, tomatoes, melons, berries, and cooked vegetables like squash, broccoli, and carrots.

Just as is the case with any of our other cosmetic or restorative dentistry treatments, you will be provided with accurate, up-to-date, and personalized information regarding proper aftercare following your implant procedure. Dr. Weinman and his team are here to answer any questions you may have before, during, and after the process, as well as to allay any concerns that may arise. We are here to help you achieve the complete, radiant smile you’ve always wanted!

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Have missing teeth caused you to feel insecure about your smile in personal and professional endeavors? Do you find yourself wishing that you could eat, speak, and smile comfortably without the possibility of slipping dentures or other dental prosthetics? Dental implants may be the solution for you. We look forward to helping you rebuild your dentition and your smile in a way that fits your lifestyle.

Contact our office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Weinman and our team to discover what a dramatic difference this state-of-the-art restorative procedure can make in your daily life. Our conveniently located dental practice in Westfield, NJ also happily serves patients from throughout nearby communities in Scotch Plains, Cranford, Fanwood, Mountainside, and beyond.  

Protect Your Family from the Threat of Oral Cancer with Preventive Dentistry in Westfield, NJ

April 14, 2014

shutterstock_158422688According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, approximately 43,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. This common disease has been known to lead to an estimated 8,000 deaths annually, but that number is gradually – and thankfully – diminishing. This decrease in the number of casualties is due in large part to increased awareness and routine oral cancer screenings like those performed at the Westfield, NJ dental practice of Dr. David M. Weinman.

Oral Cancer Screening: How Important is It?

As with any other type of cancer or serious illness, oral cancer is most successfully treated when it is diagnosed in its earliest stages. Routine screenings at our office allow Dr. Weinman to detect the early signs of oral cancer before they become visible to the naked eye.

Though there is no substitute for oral cancer screenings performed by a trained and qualified dental professional, there are some signs and symptoms you can look for at home between visits to our office. Red or white patches, unexplained swelling, tenderness or numbness, and unusual hoarseness are all common symptoms often associated with oral cancer. However, because these problems can also be indicative of other issues, it’s important to contact Dr. Weinman anytime you notice something out of the ordinary.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If it has been more than six months since you last visited the dentist, it’s time for your routine check-up! At David M. Weinman, DMD in Westfield, NJ, we always make sure that you feel welcome and comfortable, walking you through the steps of your treatment in a way that is always honest and easy to understand. Contact us at our family-friendly practice today to find out more about oral cancer screening and how our team can help protect you and your loved ones. We happily serve patients from throughout Scotch Plains, Cranford, Fanwood, Mountainside, and beyond. We can’t wait to see your beautiful smile!

Keep Your Kids’ Smiles Strong and Healthy with Family Dentistry Services from Dr. Weinman

March 4, 2014

Shutterstock Children Girl ToothbrushYour child’s smiles are precious expressions of joy and love, a simple yet bright reminder that they are happy and healthy. Keeping your little one’s pearly whites strong and shining now helps set the foundation for a lifetime of excellent oral health. At his family-friendly dental practice in Westfield, NJ, Dr. David M. Weinman specializes in making his youngest patients feel welcome and comfortable as he provides fundamental general and family dentistry services to smiles of all ages.

Children’s Dentistry: A Great Start for a Healthy Future

When it comes to healthy teeth and gums, you know that brushing and flossing regularly help to keep painful, destructive cavities away. Did you know, though, that there’s more to maintaining your child’s smile than these essential at-home oral hygiene routines?

Beginning at around the age of two to three years old, your child should see us for his or her first dental visit. Our caring, compassionate staff will ensure that this is a pleasant experience for all involved, setting the tone for years of happy dental appointments in the future. Dr. Weinman will assess your child’s entire mouth, paying close attention to how the teeth and jaws are developing. We’ll check each and every tooth for the tiniest signs of decay and inspect gingival tissue for early indicators of gum disease. As we always say, prevention is the best cure, particularly in the case of gum disease and cavities.

To keep teeth strong and cavity-free, we may suggest fortifying fluoride treatments and protective dental sealants. If Dr. Weinman and his team do happen to come across any problems during your child’s exam, we’ll talk with you about a personalized treatment plan to address the issue. You’ll always be informed of everything we find as well as provided with information on the best ways to treat your child’s oral health concerns.

We Welcome You and Your Family!

At the office of Dr. Weinman in Westfield, NJ, we believe that every child deserves to enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile. Contact our office today to speak with our highly skilled, caring team and find out what a difference our commitment to quality can make for your little ones. We also happily welcome families from surrounding neighborhoods in the nearby areas of Fanwood, Scotch Plains, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.


Get the Radiantly Bright Smile You Deserve with Teeth Whitening in Westfield, NJ

February 12, 2014

Shutterstock Lumineers Close UpAs we age, our teeth gradually succumb to the effects of our actions and our environment. Enamel deteriorates and can begin to show signs of yellowing, staining, and other discoloration as early as your mid-20s. If you often find yourself covering your mouth when you laugh or avoid smiling altogether, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans report feeling dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth. At his office in Westfield, NJ, Dr. David M. Weinman offers professional teeth whitening treatments that restore your smile’s natural beauty and your confidence – all in a way that suits your lifestyle.

How Can Teeth Whitening Help Me?

There are a number of reasons that teeth may become dull, yellow, or otherwise stained, resulting in a lackluster smile that you’re less than pleased to show off. Red wine, tea, coffee, and soft drinks are common culprits, as are tobacco and certain antibiotic medications. Fortunately, modern dental technology allows your local cosmetic dentistry professional to turn back the hands of time with teeth whitening services that fit into your busy schedule. For your convenience and comfort, Dr. Weinman offers two smile brightening options that promise dramatic, lasting results.

The first teeth whitening method – an in-office treatment that takes about an hour to complete – is perfect for patients who want a brighter, more luminescent smile as soon as possible. Have a big job interview next week? What about a graduation, wedding, or class reunion? We welcome you to sit in one of our many comfortable dental chairs and relax while the Boost whitening system lifts years of stains from your teeth.

For patients who’d rather whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own homes, Dr. Weinman offers a convenient solution that can prove just as effective as in-office whitening. With our take-home whitening system, you simply apply the advanced tooth-brightening formula when it’s easiest for you. We’ll customize a set of comfortable, easy-to-use trays that fit your unique dentition, providing exceptional whitening results in as little as two weeks.

Achieve the Beautifully White Smile of Your Dreams

Whether you’ve spent years feeling unhappy with your smile, or you simply want to show off brighter, whiter teeth for an upcoming special occasion, Dr. Weinman and his team can help. Contact our office in Westfield, NJ today to find out how our comprehensive selection of advanced cosmetic dentistry options can help you. Our conveniently located practice also proudly serves patients from surrounding communities in Mountainside, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, and beyond. We can’t wait to see your beautiful smile!

Invisalign Can Dramatically Straighten the Smiles of Patients from Westfield, NJ and Beyond

January 6, 2014

For many adults, it may seem like it’s too late to pursue their dream of having a set of perfectly straight teeth. After all, you’ve worked hard to create a professional image that you can feel proud of – the last thing you need is a mouthful of metal that makes you feel like you’re back in middle school. The truth is, traditional metal braces may work well for children, but many patients agree that they’re just not worth it in the long run. Here in Westfield, NJ, the last thing Dr. David Weinman wants is for anyone to give up on improving their smile; that’s why he’s happy to offer treatment options that provide effective results with only minimal discomfort. Even the most self-conscious patients can achieve the look of their dreams with Invisalign, a seamless orthodontic option that lives up to its name!

The process is simple enough – you’ll be provided with a series of clear, customized aligners that each represent a different stage of your smile as it moves into its ideal alignment. All you need to is wear each one for the appropriate amount of time before switching to the next in the set. We’ll also need to see you every four to six weeks so that Dr. Weinman can ensure that everything is going smoothly.

Invisalign has countless benefits when compared with traditional braces, including:

  • Seamlessness – the aligners are virtually unnoticeable, meaning that your friends and coworkers probably won’t ever notice they’re there at all. They’ll only be marveling at the beautiful results that follow!
  • Removability – unlike metal braces, which have to stay in place 24/7, Invisalign aligners can be removed in order to eat and/or practice oral hygiene, meaning that you won’t have to make any frustrating changes to your life in order to accommodate them.
  • Comfort – there are no poking metal wires or uncomfortable tightening sessions to contend with; only clear, smooth plastic that’s been custom-made to slide over your teeth.
  • Speed – Invisalign treatment usually only lasts around 12-18 months, which is a significant improvement when compared to the multiple years traditional braces can need to be fully effective.

Contact our Westfield, NJ office to schedule an appointment! Dr. Weinman and his team can’t wait to give you something to smile about this holiday season. We also serve the areas of Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Smile Brightly This Holiday Season with Cosmetic Dentistry Services from Dr. Weinman

November 25, 2013

The holiday season is upon us, and that means family get-togethers, parties with coworkers and friends, and more yummy food than you’ll know what to do with. No matter what your plans are, you want to be able to enjoy these merry days worry-free – and that includes any concerns you may be having about the state of your smile. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to show off a newly polished appearance to the important people in your life over glasses of eggnog and unwrapped gifts? Dr. David Weinman and his staff in Westfield, NJ are here to help you accomplish a true holiday transformation just in time with our wide variety of cosmetic dentistry services.

What services can you offer me?

When it comes to dental treatments, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution – instead we’ll take your personal needs and desires into account before suggesting a cosmetic dentistry procedure that could give you the results you’re looking for!

Do you find it difficult to smile due to unsightly stains or discoloration on your otherwise healthy teeth? This is a frustrating problem that can’t be helped by personal care, so instead, let our team refresh your look with our teeth whitening services! We offer both Zoom! In-Office Whitening and take-home kits in order to accommodate our patients’ varied needs.

Do you often notice small chips or cracks in your enamel whenever you look in the mirror? Dr. Weinman can quickly and effectively treat these areas with cosmetic bonding, restoring a much-needed sense of wholeness to your smile. Alternatively, we offer porcelain veneers for patients who’d like nothing more than to experience a complete do-over on one or more teeth and instead enjoy a dazzling, brand-new look. If you’d like to learn more about the other cosmetic dentistry services we offer, click here!

Contact our Westfield, NJ office today if you’d like to schedule an appointment. The holidays are coming up fast, and Dr. Weinman and his team can’t wait to help you experience a smile that’s happier and healthier than ever before during them. We also serve the areas of Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and surrounding areas.

Restore Both Your Smile and Your Self-Confidence with Dental Implants in Westfield, NJ

November 4, 2013

Out of all the dental injuries a person can experience in their lifetime, tooth loss is often considered to be one of the devastating, both to your overall oral health and your sense of self. Many patients who suddenly find themselves with unsightly gaps in their smile often find it hard to even get out of bed in the morning, much less interact with their friends or coworkers due to their fear of being judged or embarrassed. Even worse, missing teeth can cause additional dental problems to crop up, such as sudden misalignments as other teeth twist and shift in order to fill the empty space, an increased risk of periodontal disease, and even additional tooth loss. Of course, traditional tooth replacement methods such as dentures and bridges have been around for countless years, but many patients find themselves unsatisfied with their bulky and artificial nature – not to mention that they still have to struggle with the problem of jawbone deterioration as time goes on. While Dr. Weinman and his staff here in Westfield, NJ can’t rewind the clock on your smile, we can provide you the next best solution: dental implants. With the help of this revolutionary new restorative dentistry method, you can finally experience a truly healthy and happy smile again.

What is a dental implant?

Simply put, a dental implant is a complete replica of your original tooth! While many patients recover from the loss of their teeth with the help of dentures or bridges, these restorations only provide a replacement for the crown section of your tooth (the visible area), not the root beneath the gums. A dental implant is the only tooth replacement option that solves this problem by effectively replicating both the root and the crown of your lost tooth, which protects you from crucial jawbone deterioration and providing a sturdy foundation for your replenished smile.

First, you’ll have a small, titanium post placed in the socket where your new tooth will go. Then, once an appropriate amount of time has passed for you to heal from this procedure, you’ll return to our Westfield office, where Dr. Weinman will place a beautiful, customized crown on top of it. Your new tooth will look and feel so stable and lifelike that it’ll be hard to tell you ever lost your original one in the first place!

Contact our office today to schedule an appointment! Dr. Weinman and his team are committed to providing patients personalized dental care that puts their comfort first. In addition to Westfield, we also welcome patients from Scotch Plains, Farmwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Dr. Weinman Dispels Some of the Myths about Porcelain Veneers for Patients from Westfield and Beyond

October 11, 2013

When your smile is suffering from a number of imperfections, such as chips, cracks, or even gaps, it can seem like an exhausting process to go through multiple procedures in order to correct all of these problems. That’s why porcelain veneers have become such a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment!  Painstakingly customized and crafted out of beautiful, natural looking dental porcelain, this transformative piece can give your smile a complete do-over, covering up all sorts of visual flaws that can hinder self-confidence with a brand-new, stunning look. However, our office has heard several myths about porcelain veneers over the years that may be holding some patients back from pursuing this treatment. Here in Westfield, Dr. David Weinman and his team want to be the first to assuage your fears and help you receive the dental care of your dreams! Here are just a few of the myth surrounding porcelain veneers and the truth behind them:

You have to cut down my whole tooth to complete the process!

This is a definite exaggeration. Your teeth will require some reshaping in order to create a true natural look – after all, the last think you want is for your new smile to look bulky! Still, the amount of tooth structure that has to be removed is not excessive, and many lab technicians can create veneers as thin as 2mm, or the width of a single contact lens.

They’re incredibly painful!

During the procedure, Dr. Weinman and his team will make sure you’re anesthetized fully so that there is no sensation at any point. The only sensitivity that should occur happens when you’re wearing the temporary veneers we’ll provide while your permanent ones are being made.

I don’t want them to be unnaturally white!

We’re happy to make them whatever color you want! While some patients enjoy a blazing white color, Dr. Weinman will be happy to assist you in picking a color that best fits your smile.

I can’t afford them!

Thankfully, we offer a variety of financial options, including extended payments. Your payments could even be less than $200 a month! This could help some patients who need some financial breathing room still achieve the smile of their dreams.

Contact our Westfield, NJ office today to schedule your appointment! Our team can’t wait to give you a reason to smile. We also serve the areas of Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Revitalize Your Smile and Get Rid of Decay and Damage with the Help of Restorative Dentistry Services in Westfield, NJ

September 25, 2013

When you feel constantly embarrassed about the state of your teeth, whether due to decay, damage, or an unsightly injury, it can be a taunting task to even smile when talking to friends and family, much less seek out the needed dental treatment. After all, the last thing you want is someone getting an up close and personal look of your lacking smile! When it comes to our restorative dentistry services, Dr. David Weinman and his team would like to assure you that the last thing you’ll receive at our practice is unfair judgment – instead, we’ll work hard to find the procedure that best fits your unique situation and restores your smile to full health. Your comfort and self-confidence is a top priority for us, after all! Our available menu of restorative treatments here in Westfield includes:

  • Tooth-Colored Fillings
  • Bridges
  • Inlays & Onlays
  • Porcelain Crowns
  • Dental Implants

Dr. Weinman will always be sure to treat each patient to a thorough oral examination before any treatment begins, as well as an in-depth discussion about your unique needs and goals for your smile. What kind of pain are you experiencing? Do you feel nervous at the thought of undergoing work? What would you like to accomplish with these procedures? We’ll ask these questions and more to ensure that treatment is perfectly personalized. Our team will also make sure that you are informed about all your different options and the time and financial commitment involved with each of them.

Don’t let oral damage keep you from enjoying the smile of your dreams!  Contact our office today to schedule an appointment. Dr. Weinman and his team will be sure to leave your teeth healthier and happier than ever before. Located in Westfield, we also welcome patients from Scotch Plains, Farmwood, Cranford, Mountainside, and beyond.

Relieve Pain and Give Your Teeth a Rest with TMJ Treatment in Westfield, NJ

August 13, 2013

Do you suffer from persistent pain in the face, neck, or head? Do you find it taxing to open and close your mouth because of an excessively stiff jaw? Is there constant pressure in your ears or headaches awaiting you when you wake up most mornings? While you may think that dentists only concern themselves with matters of the teeth and gums, the truth is that some can also assist in issues that negatively affect the jaw as well. This includes TMJ disorder, which you may be suffering from if the questions above describe your current condition. If this is the case, please visit the dental practice of Dr. David Weinman in Westfield, NJ! Our team can help pinpoint the cause of your TMJ disorder and recommend the best solution to alleviate your pain.

What exactly is TMJ disorder?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joints, which have the crucial responsibility of keeping your lower jaw connected to your skull, as well as containing several blood vessels and nerves. Of course, this means that whenever they’re even slightly affected by outside circumstances, it can cause frustrating and even debilitating symptoms. Common causes of TMJ disorder include:

  • Jaw injury
  • Excessive gum chewing or nail biting
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Stress

How can you help me?

First, our dedicated team will treat you to a full medical and dental evaluation so that we can confirm for sure whether you’re suffering from TMJ disorder. We even use state-of-the-art tools to ensure that we collect the most detailed information possible.

If our diagnosis turns out to be positive, Dr. Weinman can provide a custom-made nightguard or other therapies to help relieve your symptoms. We’ll be sure to find the solution that best fits your unique needs!

Don’t suffer in silence a day longer –we’re committed to providing patients of all ages with thorough, comfortable care that is sure to leave you smiling. Contact our Westfield office today to schedule an appointment.

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