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522 E Broad St
Westfield, NJ 07090
(908) 654-7200

Regain Strong Teeth with Dental Bridges

Smiling man in dental chairWhen you smile, do you only see what isn’t there? Do you think whenever you speak, everyone’s eyes are instantly drawn to the gap in your teeth? If you’ve ever had these thoughts, Dr. David Weinman, your dentist in Westfield, can give you your teeth back and make your smile look better than ever. The next conversation you have can start the right way, and that’s with confidence.

Your self-image can quickly be restored with a dental bridge in Westfield. It is a small, natural-looking restoration that instantly and comfortably fills in the gaps in your smile. In addition to making you look and feel better about yourself, they also help your mouth functionally. Missing teeth can often cause the remaining ones to crowd and become misaligned, which can lead to unconscious teeth grinding and chronic pain. A dental bridge can correct all of this at once with a simple solution you can start getting today.

What Is A Dental Bridge?

Model of teeth with dental bridgeTwo supporting crowns are applied to your teeth around the space in your smile. These will be used to support one or two prosthetic teeth that sit on top of your gums, “bridging” the gap. These prosthetic teeth will blend seamlessly into the rest of your smile and feel like they’ve always been there. Each bridge is custom-made for every patient to give them the best balance of both functionality and aesthetics. They work so well, in fact, that after a few days, most people do not even notice them.

What Is The Dental Bridge Procedure Like?

Model of dental bridgeUnlike other tooth replacement options such as dentures or dental implants, dental bridges require a minimal amount of time. The only thing you need to be a good candidate is enough healthy dental structure around your missing teeth. If you don’t, dental implants can help provide it.

The procedure to get a dental bridge typically only takes 2 easy visits and involves 4 basic steps:

  • Dr. Weinman will examine your mouth and gums to make sure a bridge is the right solution for you.
  • If it is, he will begin by preparing the supporting teeth so they can fit the crowns that will hold the bridge.
  • He will take an impression of your teeth and send it to a local dental lab to design and fabricate your bridge.
  • Finally, you’ll return to the office to have it placed into your mouth.

The procedure is completely painless, and it usually only takes a week for your bridge to be made. During this time, you’ll wear a temporary one, so you can be assured that even after the first visit, you will get your teeth back. Once your bridge has been placed, it can be either fixed or removable, and Dr. Weinman will instruct you on the best way to take care of it. Maintenance is very straightforward, as regular brushing and flossing are all that is needed to keep it looking like new. This will help it, along with your new smile, last for decades.

Any Questions?

You can keep worrying about your incomplete smile and wait for your teeth to slowly become crooked and painful, or you can start getting a dental bridge today. Which sounds better to you? You can finally get your confidence back, and that’s truly priceless.

If you’d like to know more about dental bridges from our team or are interested in scheduling an appointment here in Westfield, NJ, please give us a call. We also see patients from Springfield, NJ and other surrounding areas.